Special offer: 4 metre precast footbath kit £1345 + VAT delivered to most areas
We are now supplying precast concrete cattle footbaths supplied as a two part kit to give a total length of 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m & 4m to suit your situation.
The footbath has 4 fast drain outlets to the sides with one in each corner providing flexibility with drainage on installation.
The design, unique to West Country Concrete Products, has taken on board many of the points raised in an article "Footbaths of the future" written by a clinical assistant professor with the school of Vetinary Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in America.

The short video below from shows the footbath in use. The customer who sent us the video is very pleased with the bath reporting that many of the cows are getting all four feet bathed 3 times with each use.